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My Offers for you


Sound Journeys

Let different sounds and meditative music lead you into deep relaxation. You enjoy the moment of being while lying down. Find out what the sound does to you. Takes place in groups only.


Duration: 90 min

Cost: 20 € p.P.


Sound Touch Yin Yoga

with Canan & Jana

Experience the wonderful effect of sounds and gentle live music in a mindful guided Yin Yoga class. Dive even deeper into letting go in the different holding positions. Being pampered with sounds and live music in a Yin Yoga class can be a very special experience.

White Minimalist Skincare Review Vlogger Youtube Banner (5).png

Duration: 90 min.

Cost: 20 € p.P.


Massage & Sound

One on One Sessions

​The unique combination of mindful, gentle massage and sound relaxation is very pleasant and can go deep. I offer different treatments. Curious?

Then read more about it...

Massage Klang Einzelbehandlung - Canan

Contact me for an appointment request / preliminary talk


Singing Circles

In a cozy circle we sing together mantras, spiritual songs from around the world and healing songs.

Unleash the power of your voice and let yourself be carried by your heart vibration. Feel the connection with yourself and your sound.


Duration: 60 min

Cost: 15 € p.P.


Singing Circles

In a cozy circle we sing together mantras, spiritual songs from around the world and healing songs.

Unleash the power of your voice and let yourself be carried by your heart vibration. Feel the connection with yourself and your sound.


Duration: 60 min

Cost: 15 € p.P.


Shamanic Drum Journeys

The drum follows the heartbeat of the earth and so connects with the rhythm of your heart. In this way you can create a deep connection with your soul and the spiritual world. The place where you can receive clarity, inner peace and messages for you.

Read more about it...


Duration: 75 min

Cost: 18 € p.P.


Heiltönen/singen Einzelbehandlung

Das Heiltönen oder Heilsingen wurde bereits in den ältesten Kulturen als Heilmittel zur Harmonisierung für Körper, Geist und Seele eingesetzt. Mit meiner Stimme erzeuge ich ein Klangfeld, bei dem dein System wieder zurück in seine natürliche Urschwingung kommen kann.


Erfahre mehr darüber...

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Dauer: ca 45-60 min

Kosten: 50 €

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Möchtest du mich für eine Klangreise in deiner Nähe anfragen?

Oder bist du vielleicht auch an einer Zusammenarbeit mit mir interessiert und fühlst, dass könnte gut passen?

Dann schreib mir gerne! Ich freue mich dich kennenzulernen!


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